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Category: Paper Mache

The Lion Sleeps Tonight, But Not The Tiger

This project started out as a test to make a form fitting Paper Mache mask.  I first molded a piece of aluminum foil to my face. I made sure it wrapped around the nose, the lips, and had proper indentations for the eyes, and over the top of the head.

Longhorn Skull

The local Junior High school needed a Texas Longhorn skull, or facsimile. “For what?” I asked.  It is part of the Grad Night Party theme. And the real ones are very expensive. I thought about Monsters and decided paper mache was the answer. They had an old plastic skull shell which was broken in a couple of places. I buils a small sand box to support the plastic shell. I put in some cans of paint so it took less sand.

Paper Mache Monsters and Dragons

This is just too awesome.  This post is about a technique for paper and cloth mache for making amazing creatures. The book (on the desk) by Dan Reeder of GourmetPaperMache.com is an excellent guide, and worth getting a copy or gifting one. This is the beginning of a photo essay where my daughter Lindsay and I make our own monsters.  We start by making the hands and feet out of paper, tape, and some old coat hangers.

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